A growing number of parents are seeking Chiropractic care for their children as we are beginning to recognise that many of the spinal and cranial problems that are seen in adults and older children can begin as early as birth. In addition, a number of newborn and infant complaints can also be traced back to nervous system stress and, therefore, can be relieved with Chiropractic adjustments.

Gestation and all birthing methods can stress a newborn's spine and their developing nervous system. This spinal and cranial stress may lead to misalignment and the resulting irritation to the nervous system can cause many newborn health complaints: colic, breathing problems, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions and chronic infections. Chiropractic adjustments re-align the spine and cranial joints, thereby eliminating irritation.
Since significant spinal trauma can occur at birth, it is prudent to have newborns checked within the first two months of life. Natural childbirth, the use of forceps, vacuum extractors and caesarean sections are all potential traumas to spinal and cranial function. As the infant grows and they begin to reach different physical milestones, such as holding their head up, rolling over, sitting, crawling and walking, more stress can be placed on the spine and its alignment. In addition, as they are learning these new activities, many children will have falls and tumbles that can affect their spinal and cranial systems. Therefore, it is also important for children to have regular check-ups throughout infancy and following any trauma.
Continued in Part 2
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