Wednesday, March 12, 2008

For Expectant Women, It's Not Too Much to Ask

 Being a Chiropractic health provider, it is my focus to make sure that my patients, and perhaps people important to my patients, are making INFORMED decisions about their health and the health of their family.  The following is an article that I found to be particularly empowering to women who are going through the miraculous event of childbirth...a naturally occurring event that seems to be treated as an illness these days.  Here is the article....enjoy, and I hope it empowers you or that you can think of someone who may benefit from it and forward it on!

-Dr. Susan Falk

Original article by Tina Cassidy

When I talk to women about the relatively recent history of childbirth – mothers strapped to hospital beds, doctors not washing their hands between vaginal exams and performing c-sections without anesthesia – their typical response is that we’re lucky to live in this day and age.

 That is true.  But new dangers and indignities in standard maternity care have begun to replace the old ones.  Most notably, health care providers are pushing expectant mothers to have medical interventions they may not need or want, and may be better off without.

 Unprecedented in scope, a new survey of women who gave birth in hospitals last year found that women’s wishes were not always respected and they were no necessarily asked permission before procedures.

 The “Listening to Mothers II” report by Childbirth Connection, a New York group founded in 1918 to improve maternity care, revealed that 82% of women who experiences an episiotomy said they were not consulted first – and so a doctor went ahead, without warning, and snipped the opening of the birth canal to make it wider.  Of the women who wanted a vaginal birth after having had a c-section, 56% said a doctor denied them that option.  One out of every 5 women polled, who were induced, said they felt pressured to have their labour artificially started.  And 1 out of every 4 who had a c-section said they felt squeezed to have the surgery.

 This is all rather alarming given that: unnecessary c-sections can be more dangerous than vaginal births for mother and baby; episiotomies have long been known to cause more perineal damage than a small natural tear, although the incision is often easier for doctors to repair; and Pitocin can overstimulate the uterus.  Essentially, many of these routine procedures can complicate birth further, introducing dangers or making the experience more difficult for mother and child. 

 The irony is that women today are more in control of their reproductive lives than ever, choosing to delay pregnancy until the twilight of their fertile years, writing birth plans telling the doctor how they would like labour to proceed, inviting friends to witness their babies being born, and rejecting hospital johnnies in favour of their own Natori nightgowns.  But such decisions can give some mothers a false sense of empowerment and, arguably, make them more vulnerable during birth.

 It is also interesting to not that although society and the media have been fixated on the idea of mothers (a la Britney Spears) requesting c-sections out of convenience rather than medical need, only one woman surveyed, representing a fraction of 1%, said she asked for and received a c-section just because she wanted it.  Meanwhile, the story that has not received enough attention is that women are being subjected to procedures they never expected, and perhaps should not have had.

 Of course there is no way to know just how many medical interventions chronicled in the survey were truly necessary, but 27 countries – including Britain, Australia, Japan and Slovakia – have lower maternal mortality rates than America, according to the World Health Organization.  Many of these countries also have higher midwifery rates and lower c-section rates.  More than 40 countries also have lower infant mortality rates than America, a country that spends twice as much or more per capita on health care than any other industrialized nation.

 When it comes to birth, sometimes less is more.  And so, instead of automatically strapping on monitors to detect whether the baby is in distress (despite that these machines have not reduced cerebral palsy rates since being invented decades ago), connecting IVs (which can limit ambulation that helps the baby move through the birth canal), and casually reaching for the scalpel, health care providers should – at the least – ask women first!


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